Thursday, May 19, 2011

Indicium: Color Palate for Infinity's Military Orders

I snagged this off the Infinity website and figured I post as a reminder to myself. I am putting together a PanOceana Military Order list comprised of Knights from each order.

Any suggestions as to color choices (Vallejo for preference) would be most appreciated in the comments.


  1. Nice Find! I especially love the Order of Santiago theme. Though I am biased, since the other name for Santiago is Saint James de Compostela.

  2. I like the knights of the ordenstaat. Colors are pretty simple to match. the armor is definitely shadow grey (or vallejos equivalent) the white could be done with deneb stone as a base. The red, vallejo has some great reds, just take your pick...

  3. As a spanish gamer I have to say I´m impressed to see the order of Santiago there, and I will suggest you to use the Order of Santiago scheme :D

    By the way, nice blog, you are going to my blogroll

  4. Thanks for the comments, guys. I will get some pics posted once I have models painted.

    Grajo, what is a link to your blog?

  5. Grajo, cool site you got there... added to my blog roll as well!
