What an amazing weekend! We had over 350 people attend the Open. I met a lot of great folks, worked hard running a small tournament and judging at the big one, and found the whole thing to be a very rewarding experience.
The team tournament on Friday went very well. Players were happy and seemed to enjoy getting in some laid back games in a slightly different format. I don't recall hearing anyone complain about their games.
Also a big shout-out to the 11th Company guys for letting me jump on their live stream webcast at random intervals and respond to questions and comments coming in over the chat feed. Jump in one hour, ten minutes (1:10) on this video to see and hear Mike and I pontificating. We are both pretty nuked at this point so it's kind of funny listening to us try to be kind of funny:
Also, I promised Jawaballs that I would start some sort of internet flame war between he and I so here it goes:
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
1 month ago